Preventive Raid Photograph(s)
Showing Record No From : 1 to 5 of Total Records : 1729
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Published On
Jul 26 2024 12:00AM

Today On 26/07/2024 , Excise Dept. Organised Awareness Programme against Drug abuse at Govt. High School Kheralair Pouni Distt. Reasi. On the directions of the Worthy Excise Commissioner Sh. Pankaj Kumar Sharma JKAS, and the Under Supervision of DY. Excise Commissioner ( Executive) Smt. Kusum sharma JKAS, and Under the direct supervision of ETO, Excise Range Udhampur Reasi. A volleyball match was organised between two teams and volley ball kit was given to students. The students made aware on the topic "ill effects of drug abuse and how to eradicate it from civil society . further refreshments were also served among participants and the students.
Published On
Jul 25 2024 12:00AM
Destruction of wild bhung

The Excise sub Range pulwama/ shopian destroyed wild bhung on about 14 kanals of land in village wachi, Melhora of Tehsil Zainpora
Published On
Jul 25 2024 12:00AM
Destruction of bhung

The Excise sub range destroyed wild bhung on about 6 kanals of land in village Barthina Keller of Tehsil Keller district shopian
Published On
Jul 25 2024 12:00AM
Destruction of bhung

The Excise Sub Range pulwama/ shopian destroyed along with Revenue and Police department destroyed wild bhung on about 6 kanals of land in villages pinglina , Gangoo of Tehsil and district Pulwama.
Published On
Jul 25 2024 12:00AM
Destruction of bhung

The Excise Sub Range Pulwama/ Shopian destroyed wild bhung on about 5 kanals of land in villages Sugoo,Lari Tharan,and Trenz of Tehsil imamsahib district shopian

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